영화 심바 Simmba 인도경찰 영화 

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심바 Simmba | Official Trailer 

 심바 Simmba 요약정보 
  • 제목 : 심바 
  • 영제 : Simmba
  • 요약 : 액션, 코미디, 드라마 | 인도영화 | 158분 | 
  • 감독 : 로힛 쉐티
  • 출연 : 란비르 싱, 아제이 데브건, 카란 조하르

영화 심바 Simmba 인도영화

영화 심바 Simmba 인도영화 스토리

Simmba is an orphan from Shivgadh from where our beloved Singham was born and raised. Contrary to the philosophies of Singham, Simmba believes that a Corrupt Officer’s life is an ideal life which inspires him to become one. While Simmba enjoys all the perks of being an immoral and unethical Police Officer, a twist in the tale transforms him and forces him to choose the righteous path.

영화 심바 Simmba 인도영화

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