여성 환각제 투여후 그린 자화상 |
여성 환각제 투여후 그린 자화상 원본 스케치 |
H + 15m
Before any noticeable effect.
H + 45m
« Are you feeling anything?
- Nope.
- Those are some bright colors !
- Yeah. That's probably gonna get worse. »
H + 1h45
H + 2h15
« That was a good idea, buying coloured pencils. »
H + 3h30
« I didn't draw the eyes. Do you want me to draw the eyes? I don't feel like drawing the eyes. »
H + 4h45 (from this moment, she drew with very dim light)
« Here you go. I'm violet. »
Later: « Usually, I draw the eyes at the very end, because I don't want the picture to look at me while I'm drawing it. Here, I didn't want the picture to look at me at all. »
H + 6h
« I lost the black pencil. I only had the coloured ones. »
H + 6h45
(my personal favorite)
H + 8h
After 45 minutes in the dark, listening to some Pink Floyd, she started to draw again.
H + 8h45
She didn't seem quite satisfied with the last one, so she directly started this one: « During the previous one, I tried to draw what was inside my head, but in the middle of it, things were happening outside my head instead. ».